About Us

Soul Science

Soul Science is an All-in-One platform designed to connect Laboratories, Research Institutions and science professionals to biotech market!

A new and innovating method of selling scientific services in an easier and less bureaucratic way.

What makes us unique

We innovate the laboratory services business.

Soul Science works with a large list of qualified Labs throughout the country and offers technology to improve market performance. 

Besides that, we add scientific, commercial and IT skills in order to offer on time quotations in an uncomplicated way. 

All these methods contribute to a much better accessibility when buying or selling scientific services.



Lucia Sousa

CEO & Cofounder


Adriana Haddad

Head of commercial & Cofounder

Julia Fischel

CFO & Cofounder
Business Administrator


Thiago Ribeiro

Head of innovation & Cofounder
Environmental Engineer – Advertiser

Pedro Freitas

CTO & Cofounder
Software Developer and Web Designer

Marcelo Gonçalves

Legal Adviser

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